Digital Product Designer

The Beo Club

The Beo Club

A lifestyle brand for active retirees


The client saw a trend where parents would retire, their kids would move away, and they'd struggle to spend their free time well. To help fill the void, The Beo Club puts on social events and creates content aimed at the newly retired. To facilitate their business plan, they wanted a mobile app for member signup, original content, and networking.


Blog content

The home screen of the app features content created by The Beo Club or submitted by members. Easily filter by interests, save articles to favorites, and comment on a post.


Networking events

The Beo Club puts on meetup events in select cities in the midwest. Through the app, members can view upcoming events, RSVP for a spot, and save the event to their calendar.


Meet other members

Members can meet other people who live in the same city or have similar interests. They can also meet at the networking events and then connect with each other through the app.



To take advantage of each other's wealth of experience, members can use the app as a resource and ask questions or start discussions.


The app has become the focal point to the club's experience and is key for member signup and engagement. The client is currently growing membership in Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago with plans to expand to other cities down the road.